Support Us


You can donate by sending your cheque /draft in favour of ‘All Bengal Women’s union’ to
89, Elliot Road
Kolkata – 700016
West Bengal
For inter bank transfer, please write to us with detailed information.
(PLEASE BE ASSURED THAT The information received is kept confidential and is disclosed to such third parties as may be necessary to process the donation.)

*All Bengal women’s union is a non-profit organization. Your donation is eligible for tax exemption.

Balwadi is a preschool/nursery run by ABWU for both the children of our home, and from nearby slum areas. Our beloved Balwadi provides children with facilities for physical and mental growth. Students not only get education, but are also served nutritious meals during their lunch hour. Both the learning and nutritional support are crucial, as their households struggle to provide either. Unfortunately, 2019 has begun with a shortage of funds and we urgently need donations to continue running the Balwadi as scientifically and economically as is our practice.

Rs 5000 will provide regular meals for a child for a full year.

Rs 100,0000 is the total annual running cost of our Balwadi.


  • Become a Volunteer
  • Sponsor a girl child
  • Adopt a granny. (Contribute for nutrition /medicine).
  • Sponsor / volunteer for vocational training
  • Donate for maintenance of residential complex of these children.
  • Support/donate for learning centers for dropout children. (Urgent Need).
  • Provide job placement for adult girls

ABWU has strong support of Central as well as West Bengal Government. Further, it also has a pool of individual donors as well as partners who support the cause generously. But there remains a huge gap between funds we receive and funds needed for:

  • Counseling /therapeutic intervention at every stage
  • Cost of medicine for elderly.
  • Our new project to bring the “drop outs” from marginalized communities to “main stream basic education”

All of the above require additional funds for sustenance.

We therefor urge sponsors to donate for the cause as individuals, groups or corporation/institution.

Your Contribution is invaluable.

Enquiry Form

All Bengal Women's Union

89, Elliot Road
Kolkata - 700016
West Bengal
+91 33 22293292

Contact Us At

All general enquiryies:
Email at

Donation related queries:
Email at

Sponsorship relted queries:
Email at